Thursday, October 05, 2006

In the beginning...

If in the beginning there was a chaotic formless void... then I MUST be at the beginning! What is new to me is being "out there;" I am venturing out into cyberspace reality. Kind of an oxymoron - jumbo shrimp, army intelligence. But it's really accurate. Cyber has come to mean artificial or fantasy... but when it comes to words and communication, cyber is about as real as it gets. Why am I taking the "plunge" now? Because I'm wondering what others are thinking? And if it is anything like what I am thinking? So I'll post some thoughts and see if anything is created. I heard this awesome image the other day (the way I think this is any day between yesterday and my birth). When putting together a jigsaw puzzle, most of the fun comes from watching the image take shape and seemingly emerge out of no where. I wonder if this blogging thing can be like that. If a piece can be placed down and then others around it... until one day there is some sort of image.


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